Connectivity specialists combine expertise to roll out networks and market access in rural communities in emerging markets…
17 September 2019 – During the penultimate day of the ITU’s annual Telecom World taking place in Budapest, connectivity pioneers, WTLs and Equanet, agreed to collaborate to bring voice and data connectivity to millions of unconnected people across the world. The deal further ensures that the connectivity achieved is matched by access to the right technology to enable businesses in these communities to participate in the digital economy through the Equanet suite of products.
Equanet provides technologies that connect digitally marginalised communities to the digital economy. Its solution allows it to sell its products directly to national and global audiences at a fair price. In rural areas in emerging markets, this enables families to educate their children, pay for health care and grow their businesses to create jobs and wealth in their communities. Figures from the WTO show that 99% of businesses in emerging markets do not sell online as the majority of them do not have access to the internet.
Meanwhile, WTL’s Vivada system (Village Voice and Data) was specifically developed to build commercially sustainable networks in rural and semi-urban areas. Vivada has been deployed across Africa by satellite operators, NGOs, Government and regulators, smaller ISPs and entrepreneurs winning multiple awards in the process. The entry level price point for a village starts at just US$1450.

Joel de Messan, Founder & Chairman, of Equanet said The ITU platform has brought our two companies together. WTL’s Vivada system is the missing link that will allow us to take our solution to remote communities well before Government infrastructure reaches them; which, in some case can be years. Our company’s goal is to enable every business to participate in the digital economy. With WTL we can bring more communities into this dream tomorrow rather in years
Satya Mekala, Director of Deployments at WTL, said From the moment I met Joel I knew that we could, and should, collaborate. There is much to do to connect the four billion people who live and work offline. Our Vivada system is commercially proven and extremely cost-effective to deploy in rural areas
About Vivada
In its basic form Vivada includes a Wi-Fi Hotspot, backhaul optimisation, VoIP compression, billing and provisioning software. The entire system runs on less than 100W which can be supplied by solar with battery back-up.
It also includes two PCs for a cyber café and two IP phones for pre-paid calling whilst billing is cloud-based and enables the village service provider to bill immediately for data and voice minutes.
Beyond the entry level a whole range of options are possible including adding masts to enable a small 2G or 4G mobile cell
The Vivada Rural Village Ecosystem includes all the infrastructure and software to provide power, water and telecoms in a village. In some cases, entrepreneurs are buying the entire system so that they can offer the essential utilities that their friends and neighbours need and want.
About WTL
Headquartered in Belgium with offices in Nigeria, Brazil and the UK, WTL is a mobile infrastructure provider that develops the Vivada range of small cell solutions, and a range of connectivity platforms. These enable operators to deploy advanced wireless services, and to achieve flexible interconnection.
WTL has deployments in more than 30 countries in Africa with a well-deserved reputation for excellent service, reliable products and an expert team with extensive experience in Africa.
WTL’s innovative, practical and cost-effective portfolio includes :
Vivada Low CAPEX and OPEX solutions for extending mobile networks in urban and rural environments. Low power, self-contained 2G / 4G small cell packages,
A complete range of building blocks to build the network core, support network interconnection and deliver valuable messaging applications. With support for SS7, CAMEL, IP and more.
For more information visit or contact WTL’s PR rep on +44 7946 342 903, skype: bridgetfishleigh or
About Equanet
Equanet is the world’s first integrated search, e-commerce and e-trade protocol built with blockchain and machine learning technologies. Equanet is a human-centric technology platform designed to help level the digital playing field, reduce the digital divide and eliminate international trade access disparities through equal participation of all nations in the digital economy.
Equanet allows businesses, communities, cooperatives and nations to sell their products, services and commodities as well as attract inward investment for their businesses whilst automating the collection of national taxes and revenues for the treasury.
Equanet has created the first global platform that enables local consumers, businesses, visitors, tourists and trade partners to access and buy products, services, commodities and technical knowhow covering all economic outputs of a community on a retail or trade basis. It uses blockchain and AI to make their trades secure, help them achieve and meet international standards of quality and create an environment that prevents the infringement of Intellectual property and brand assets in order to give the world confidence in trading with them.
Equanet is the recipient of the ITU Telecom World Awards 2019 for its participation and commitment to the ITU’s Agenda on global SME Connectivity.
For more information, please visit