How MVNOs can optimise their costs to boost profit with agile network solutions
This paper reviews a number of opportunities for MVNOs to enhance their infrastructure assets in order to reduce operational costs and secure better profit growth.
How to maximise the efficiency of an MVNO
The MVNO model is, by now, well established. Most people are familiar with the concept of a service provider renting capacity from an established MNO and reselling it to establish its own business. Some do this to add mobile capabilities to existing operations, while others do so to exploit a brand or specific market segment.
While many see an MVNO as simply a lightweight operational company that is focused more on sales and marketing than its network capabilities, such a focus is short sighted. In order to maximise operational efficiency, all MVNOs must, at some point in their development cycle, turn their attention to the infrastructure that supports their operations. Whether you are an established MVNO or seeking to become one, keeping control of costs is a vital ingredient for your success.
Making sure that you efficiently optimise your operational costs will go a long way to ensuring that you maximise profits and returns and generate the kind of sustained success to which you aspire. It is no longer sufficient to rely on arbitrage between call termination and origination rates to ensure profit.